Boost your school’s preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)!

Exclusively available to TT Rock Stars subscribers, our MTC Hub is packed with resources to help you and your pupils prepare for the Multiplication Tables Check.

MTC…easy as 1-2-3!


"If the MTC was tomorrow, we
wouldn't know how ready we are."



Assess your readiness with mock MTCs (known as Officially Unofficial MTCs) at the start, middle and end of year 4.

"We're not sure what good
preparation looks like."



Follow our recommended schedule from the start of year 4 to maximise the chances of your pupils scoring 25/25.

"Enthusiasm rises and
dips over the year."



Find out from the experts - fellow TTRS teachers - how to maintain engagement with our walkthrough video and blog post.

"Can someone show
us what to do?"



Watch our 3-monthly webinars (live or on-demand) that take you through just what you need to know at every step.

"Parents ask
about the MTC."



Use our template letter and PowerPoint to inform parents and carers about the MTC.


  • Officially Unofficial MTCs x 3
  • Schedule of what to do, when
  • Engagement guidance
  • Webinars
  • Parent and carer info


21. That’s the magic number.
21 minutes per week during year 4, is the typical amount of TTRS practice put in by those scoring 25/25.
So the question is, how do you get pupils playing that much throughout the year?
Head to the MTC Hub > Resources to find out.

Play Video


Watch: Mr Batchelor, Year 4 teacher, explains how the Officially Unofficial MTC helped his school prepare for the real thing.

An illustration of a TT Rock Stars character called Spark. He's standing with his arms crossed, while holding his drumsticks.


Music and sounds are disabled
The keypad is set to the same orientation as the MTC
Access arrangements include:
The default display shows black text on a white background. If colour contrast is enabled for a pupil, they will be able to change the text and background colours to one of the following combinations: yellow on black; black on blue; black on peach; blue on cream.
If font size is enabled for a pupil, they will be able to increase or decrease the size of the text and number pad on the screen.
Pupils can have the system enables to press ‘Next’ in between each question rather than it auto-advancing. The ‘Next’ feature is controlled by the teacher and teachers can enable for each eligible child.

You’ll be able to view each pupil’s results as they come in on the Results tab where you will have your school average score and the percentage who got 25/25. After each OUTMC finishes, you’ll be able to view the National and Local Authority averages too.

Pupils can see their two scores in their usual Soundcheck history. Parents/Carers could see that if they look over their child’s shoulder. You and colleagues can see the pupil results and you’ll be able to see an average for the LA and an average for the country. You won’t see other schools’ averages though.
Your local authority can’t see any of the data, nor will it be shared with them. The Department for Education can’t see any of the data, nor will it be shared with them. So it’s just you and your colleagues who can see your school’s results.

We’ve designed it in such a way that you don’t need to take any action if taking part in the Officially Unofficial MTC isn’t right for your school. That is to say, by default, all schools are opted out. Schools that do want to take part need to opt in on the Enrolment tab.

To make this a valid data gathering exercise on your year 4s and to be able to compare to Local Authority and National averages, the OUMTC is only for year 4s. Remember that you can always ask classes to play in Soundcheck at any time.

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